Thursday, November 15, 2012

Marketing - Advertising Techniques

It's a way to keep product or brand in consumers' minds by repeating. Repetition basically builds familiarity. To make it effective, repetition must occur in right time intervals, otherwise consumers will get tired of it.
Benefits: Consumers are able to remember the product or brand for a long period of time. It imprints to their memory.


Identifies product or service with a short positive sentence, quote, or with an idea. Slogan should be catchy and interesting so it drives consumer's attention. Slogan is usually placed after the company name and it helps to give a positive image.
Benefits: It kind of reveals the purpose of the product or the company.

It's a symbol or an image that identifies the product. The logo design is the illustration of the business nature, its character, energy, and personality. 

Benefits: Your company or the the product is recognized and memorized by the logo design. Logo makes your company or product unique, because no one else has the same logo as you do. It also makes your company or product look professional. Logo establishes the brand identity.

Snob Appeal
The attributes of something that appeal to people who associate those qualities with social or intellectual superiority. Basically, businesses create an image that elite and tempt rich costumers to use their products.
Benefits: Snob appeal makes customers believe that the product that the business sell is much better and have a higher quality than other cheaper products of other brands. Most of the people want to have the best and they like competing between each other so that's why snob appeal is something that they like

Recommendation from a celebrity or a very satisfied costumer affirming the quality of a product or a service. It makes customers believe that the product or service is very good when other popular people recommend it or use it.
Benefits: It provides a good image for the business, company, or for the product itself. 

Sex Appeal
The product enhances the sexual attractiveness of costumers.
Benefits: It drives customers' attention. Sex appeal becomes associated with products and services. Sex appeal has also an impact on mood. It basically "plays" with customer's mood. Eventually the mood of the customer is related to the product. 


It's an advertising technique that uses pressure to influence and persuade consumers. It makes consumer think and believe that "if everyone else is having this product, so should I."
Benefits: The business might get a large amount of customers, just because of the bandwagon.

Technical Jargon
In order to persuade and impress the costumer, the business uses technical words. Even though costumers might not understand these terms, it makes them believe that the product has a good quality.
Benefits: It makes a very professional image of the product. 

Name Calling
It's a technique, where the advertiser compares his product with other similar products of other brands in a way that is favorable to to the advertiser. 
Benefits: It gives costumers reasons, why they should buy the product that advertiser is promoting and not the products of other brands.

Wit and Humor
In order to attract customers to the products or services, the business makes and an advertisement or a commercial that entertain costumers, and makes them laugh. It brings customers a positive emotion.
Benefits: People/customers will like the product because of the positive emotion. It attracts them even though they might not be aware of it.


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