Thursday, November 29, 2012

Distribution Arrangement

It's a product distribution where the company sells as many outlets as possible, so the consumers can find the product everywhere they go. The advantage of intensive distribution is that it makes customers remember and eventually buy the product, because they come across the product frequently. Products that are distributed in this way are the ones that you use everyday like a toothpaste. The original shop for toothpastes is a drug store, but you can buy them in grocery stores and supermarkets too.

This retail strategy involves making products that are available only in certain markets. It's the opposite of intensive distribution. Basically, the benefits of selective distribution are that a retailer is able to control his product, which means he can limit distribution of his products to specific geographical areas. This creates a "good image" of products, because it looks like they are special in some way as you can't get them everywhere. An example of this is luxury goods, or goods that are expensive because of their brand. These products are just for one group of people (upper class) so not everybody can afford, and are not sold everywhere.

It's a distribution where distributors and suppliers make an agreement that allows only some named distributors to sell a product. A positive thing about exclusive distribution is that a supplier has once again a control of how distributors display the product. It gives  a competitive advantage to retailers too because they can pay for displaying the product in a particular section of the store. For example, Nike and Adidas use this technique all the time.

Integrated means combining or putting this together. Therefore, integrated distribution is a distribution that puts different types in one effective group. Advantage is that a supplier has a close relationship with other channel members. An example is the Carnegie Steel Company where the company controls not only the mills where the steel is made but also the mines where the iron is extracted. 

When you are choosing a distribution channel it is important to realize that it is not short term. It also requires careful choosing among and between distributors, direct marketing, retailers and sale force. Distribution is one of the two main roles of marketing., therefore it definitely requires strong strategic thinking.
Here are some things you must consider about  selecting a channel partner: Services capabilities, Partnership attitude, Noncompetitive, Marketplace credibility, Sales capabilities, Geographic coverage, Cost model., Technology fit.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How does the promotional mix change at different stages of the product life cycle

Before the first stage which is introduction, the product is still just an idea. During this very first stage, the product producer develops plans for the future product and starts researching marketing methods that might be very useful in the future. This includes ways to promote the product or to attract customers' attention through campaigns and other promotions. This phase is all about planning, which means the producer doesn't use any marketing strategies yet. As the product hits the market, which happens during the introduction stage of a product life cycle, it's very important to bring awareness of the product. For this stage, the producer should choose a type of promotion techniques that will make customers be aware of the product. This requires lots of effort. During the second stage, which is growth the customers are already aware of the product and sales usually increase. In order to keep it this way, the company should start to use marketing techniques like branding, which would make the product different from the others. Maturity stage is a stage, where the product gains over its competition. In this stage, the producers want to get costumers from competitors. That's why it is important and very beneficial to use special, and interesting promotions. The last stage of the product life cycle is decline. The company can retain their old customers, but it's hard to attract new sales from new customers. The company tries to keep the good and positive image of the company. The main focus is on the reinforcing the brand image. During this stage marketing efforts decline.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Case Studies

Blood Donors Respond

In Pennsylvania, American Red Cross was organizing an interesting summer blood drive campaign. To motivate and attract donors, all the donors who participated and gave their blood, received a small Route 56- logoed Red Cross Keytag. All of them had also a chance to win a year's supply of gas that was around $2,000. Eventually, donations increase more than 16% over the last year. This blood donation was very important because when people are on vacation they usually don't donate blood. In my opinion the reason why it was that effective is that people like getting new things for free. They got a good feeling for helping others and at the same time they were rewarded for it by having a chance to win something special. A year's supply of gas served as a temptation and drove peoples' attention.

Museum gets huge membership boost!

The Cleveland Museum of natural history, which is a great and popular destination for visitors, started to feel a need for more members that would support the Museum's collection. In order to promote a new traveling exhibit and to entice visitors, a new tactic was used. They started to send an instant prize promotion-"Conceal & Reveal" game cards in a form of a direct email. The email included a custom scratch-off that gave people a chance to win great prizes like free tickets for the Museum party. This campaign attracted more than 500 new members in the first 10 days which was an unexpected success. This is just another example of attracting people by giving them a chance to win. Even though, the chance of winning is very small and not everyone can win, people still want to try it.

A Starbucks "Gotcha!" 

The aim of this interesting and unusual campaign was to increase the awareness of the Starbucks Holiday Red Cups. The chief at Free Car Media, Dew Livingston, got an idea of attaching these cups to the roofs of cars. These cars would drive around in huge cities like New York, Seattle, Chicago and San Francisco. It gives people the impression that a driver put this cup on the roof of his car, and then forgot about it. This promotion produced a favorable reviews on some Internet websites and definitely did increase the attention of customers. It was a non-traditional way of promoting cups that attracted people the most. This is an example of "targeting marketing."

Nike Incentive Program Boosts Attendance 

Nike is a huge company that gives a job to factory workers all around the world. Without these customers, Nike would be forced to shut down some of their factories, which would cost the company lots of money. In order to avoid this situation, Nike developed a one-year program that would motivate workers. In each quarter, the workers were given mugs. These mugs were different every quarter which makes workers to compete between each other. To make it even more interesting, Nike started to reward workers who were in some way better than the others with a T-shirt with a slogan "Just do it." The results of the campaign were great. There were no shutdowns and the attendance of workers rapidly improved. I think this idea was very effective and smart because it motivated workers and made them to compete between each other.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Marketing - Advertising Techniques

It's a way to keep product or brand in consumers' minds by repeating. Repetition basically builds familiarity. To make it effective, repetition must occur in right time intervals, otherwise consumers will get tired of it.
Benefits: Consumers are able to remember the product or brand for a long period of time. It imprints to their memory.


Identifies product or service with a short positive sentence, quote, or with an idea. Slogan should be catchy and interesting so it drives consumer's attention. Slogan is usually placed after the company name and it helps to give a positive image.
Benefits: It kind of reveals the purpose of the product or the company.

It's a symbol or an image that identifies the product. The logo design is the illustration of the business nature, its character, energy, and personality. 

Benefits: Your company or the the product is recognized and memorized by the logo design. Logo makes your company or product unique, because no one else has the same logo as you do. It also makes your company or product look professional. Logo establishes the brand identity.

Snob Appeal
The attributes of something that appeal to people who associate those qualities with social or intellectual superiority. Basically, businesses create an image that elite and tempt rich costumers to use their products.
Benefits: Snob appeal makes customers believe that the product that the business sell is much better and have a higher quality than other cheaper products of other brands. Most of the people want to have the best and they like competing between each other so that's why snob appeal is something that they like

Recommendation from a celebrity or a very satisfied costumer affirming the quality of a product or a service. It makes customers believe that the product or service is very good when other popular people recommend it or use it.
Benefits: It provides a good image for the business, company, or for the product itself. 

Sex Appeal
The product enhances the sexual attractiveness of costumers.
Benefits: It drives customers' attention. Sex appeal becomes associated with products and services. Sex appeal has also an impact on mood. It basically "plays" with customer's mood. Eventually the mood of the customer is related to the product. 


It's an advertising technique that uses pressure to influence and persuade consumers. It makes consumer think and believe that "if everyone else is having this product, so should I."
Benefits: The business might get a large amount of customers, just because of the bandwagon.

Technical Jargon
In order to persuade and impress the costumer, the business uses technical words. Even though costumers might not understand these terms, it makes them believe that the product has a good quality.
Benefits: It makes a very professional image of the product. 

Name Calling
It's a technique, where the advertiser compares his product with other similar products of other brands in a way that is favorable to to the advertiser. 
Benefits: It gives costumers reasons, why they should buy the product that advertiser is promoting and not the products of other brands.

Wit and Humor
In order to attract customers to the products or services, the business makes and an advertisement or a commercial that entertain costumers, and makes them laugh. It brings customers a positive emotion.
Benefits: People/customers will like the product because of the positive emotion. It attracts them even though they might not be aware of it.