Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Not Acceptable to Produce Potentially Dangerous Goods!

I totally disagree with a production of potentially dangerous goods. Just because nobody found it out yet, it doesn't mean it is okay. The goods that are harmful  which means they have in some way a bad impact on people's health should not be produced. Nowadays, we have many kinds of diseases in the world and some of them have still unfamiliar background, we don't know where these diseases come from. The reason why some children have a terrible disease might be fault of your business.What kind of people are we when we prefer more our businesses and profits than our own health?
Few years ago, there was an issue with Chinese manufactures. They were accused of producing potentially dangerous children's toys. An example was the toy giant Mattel that contained unsafe levels of lead and loose magnets.What European Union should have done immediately was to forbid importing Chinese toys to the EU because otherwise many children's lives would be risked. The issue was that on the other hand, if the EU forbids the import of Chinese toys, it will harm the welfare of Chinese families.What is acceptable then? The risk of children's lives or the unemployed Chinese families? In my opinion health is more important.

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