Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PEST Analyis for QSIB!

1. Education Law: There is a law in Slovakia that says that a student must attend school for at least 10 years. This is very positive for a school such as QSIB because if the school keeps a good quality and keeps making both parents and students satisfied, students will attend the school at least for 10 years Therefore, QSIB could be counting with annual tuition fee and made a profit. Plus if there was no such a law, probably less students would attend schools (in general). Since, it is mandatory to attend schools, students and parents have at least the right to pick which one and might rather prefer an American private school over a normal Slovak school.

1. Taxes: Taxes in Slovakia have been rising because of the  huge debts our government has. Prices and taxes both have increased but salaries have stayed the same. This is very negative for private schools and for QSIB because people might rather want to save money than invest into education of their children. There's still many ordinary schools in Slovakia which are for free and even though they are probably not as good as QSI, parents do not have to pay for education of their children. Less students in QSIB means fewer money, and therefore a smaller profit.

2. Unemployment Rate: One of the most positive things that have impact on QSIB is a lower unemployment rate in Slovakia. As research has shown, unemployment rate keeps still decreasing, which means more people have jobs. Therefore, some of them might consider to put their children into a private school such as QSIB.Also, decrease of unemployment has a positive impact on the economic growth of Slovakia.

1. Population-growth rate: Population-growth rate slowly increases, which has once again a positive impact on QSIB as well as on Slovakia. Increase in population-growth rate basically means that more children are born. These children will must attend school and some of them will maybe consider QSIB!

2. Population ages 0-14: On the contrary, population of children of age 0-14 keeps decreasing, which is negative because less children attend school. Even though population of teenagers is increasing, QSIB is generally looking for younger kids as they attend school for a longer period of time.The longer the child attends QSI, the more money QSI makes.

1. Companies: Huge foreign companies such IBM, KIA or SAMSUNG have opened their stores in Slovakia, which is great for Slovaks who are looking for a job. This causes the unemployment rate to decrease. Plus it helps to stimulate education too Having these huge companies here in Slovakia can also help to develop technology in schools. Although, probably not in QSIB.

2. Technological advances: Even though improvements in technology give you the ability to manage and control the stores and everything globally, they also replace people. Then people lose their jobs and are unemployed, which means they have less money. They probably will not invest that much into education of their children.